I am very proud to announce the publishing of my book entitled Riflessjonijiet dwar il-Ġid Komuni (Reflections about the Common Good). I am hoping that a proper launch of the book will be possible after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions are relaxed. In the meantime I would like to thank a few people. First and foremost my parents who were my first philosophy teachers. My wife Silke, and my kids, Tristan and Alea, who were very patient with me during the past few months. Then of course my brother in law Holger Maninger who designed this website and made it happen overnight. My profound appreciation and thanks goes to the Rev. Professor Carmel Tabone for peer reviewing the book and for his foreword. For his monumental input and writing of the prologue of the book to Dr Louis Galea. Last but not least to the Honourable Dr. Bernard Grech for his constant support and input and for writing the epilogue of this book. There are many other people to be thanked and they are all mentioned in the first part of the book. May this book be a start not an end in itself. Let us all work together in order to create a political and socio-economic paradigm shift in Malta.